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view thru faq

  • What does view thru mean?

    By the so-called view thru tracking the efficiency of an ad-tool (e.g. fullsize banner or skyscraper) is recorded without any mouseclick necessary. So one can determine if anybody has visted the webpage or has finalized a business after he has just seen the ad-tool only. Thanks to view thru ad-efforts could be paid success-oriented.

  • How efficient is view thru compared to click advertising media?

    We still suggest that a definite click has a larger impact on ad-efficiency . Therefore a view thru cookie should have a comparable lower priority. This means precisely that a click cookie can overwrite a View-Cookie. Also a Click-Cookie keeps its validity even if a view-contact has been established later on. Moreover the running period of a view thru cookie in most cases is shorter (up to 8 days).

  • Does view thru tracking really generate additional business or is it just an exchange with other advertising actions?

    Various tests with different advertisers have shown a considerable increase of the sales volume. Shifts to other ad-efforts could be observed as well but were kept at an acceptable limit.